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Independent (Private/Concierge)
Patient Advocacy

What sets us apart from any other healthcare professionals? That's our single ALLEGIANCE TO OUR CLIENT, the patient (and the family). We always put our client's best interests above anything else. No institution or company pays us and influences our actions.
Another advantage of independent advocates is that our engagement with our clients is flexible and we can follow our clients beyond facility boundaries. "Transition of care" is known to be one of the riskiest times for the patients. We can greatly reduce the risk of complications and hospital readmission, as well as making the transition much more smooth and care free for you. 

As more patients and families are becoming aware of serious issues with the US healthcare system, the profession of independent patient (healthcare) advocacy is growing. That's a generally a great thing for patients! However, the qualifications, abilities, and styles of advocates vary greatly, and choosing the right advocate for you may not be so easy. 

Sun Shine in Forest

Why Patient Advocacy & Beyond?


What makes professional patient advocacy challenging is that every person is unique and comes with a unique set of health history and values. Adding the complexity of the healthcare system, every healthcare situation can present different needs and unexpected challenges at every turn of events.

Because of this, Patient Advocacy & Beyond has developed a system that delivers high value to our clients consistently. This framework reminds us that our action must be one of the 9 actions which leads to (at least) one of the 3 principles – Compassionate Advocacy with Vigilance, Informed Decisions, and Effective Communication & Coordination. Each action works synergistically with others, and we must pay attention to situational and client's needs changes, so we can shift our focus. 

In addition, if beneficial to our clients, we collaborate with other specialists, such as billing advocates, attorneys, and geriatric care managers, so we can satisfy their needs comprehensively.

Founder/Principal Advocate

'Ky' Corbet, RN, MS, MA

Board-Certified Patient Advocate

Kayoko 'Ky' Corbet is a well-rounded RN with experience in hospital nursing (oncology, med-surg, critical care, hospice) and home health case management. She, excels in research, integration of a wide range of information, effective collegial clinical communication, and shared decision making. She constantly seeks the latest evidence and practice improvement to meet clients' needs.

Patient Advocacy & Beyond strives to deliver high value to each client with its framework (above). We guide our clients toward their desired goals with peace of mind. Along the way, we reduce waste (in energy, time, money), not only for our clients but for our healthcare system too!

The combination of knowledge, skill, and compassion makes Patient Advocacy & Beyond your trusted partner.

Over 15 years of related professional experience including clinical nursing at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Holy Cross Hospital, age-in-place consulting, and home health case management. ​

  • Board-certified patient advocate, Patient Advocacy Certification Board

  • MA in Speech Communication, Penn State University

  • ​BS in Nursing, Johns Hopkins University

  • ​MS in Nursing Informatics, University of Maryland

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Disclaimer: Patient Advocacy & Beyond does NOT provide medical treatment or medical advice. We inform, educate, advocate, guide, and support our clients so that they can make informed decisions and receive proper care with respect. We empower our clients and assist them to take wise preventative and self-care measures, when appropriate. We may also assist with basic insurance/billing issues or coordinate with billing experts to relieve their burden. 

Certified by Patient Advocate Certifcation Board
Health Advocate Code of Conduct and Professional Standards
Health Advocate Logo
Society for Participatory Medicine, Lifetime Member

 ©️ 2024 Patient Advocacy & Beyond, LLC​

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